Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Sin City

Ok, so we watched Sin City last night. Weird. The way the story evolved was odd. Wait, what exactly WAS the story? I even fell asleep thru about 15 mins of it.. I'm not sure what I missed, though I don't think it matters. Something about hookers, pedophiles and blood?

The action would have been ok if Tarantino had left his gruesome little fingers out of it. Blood and guts is ok, but there's just something twisted about that man. *shiver*

Maybe I'd get more out of the movie if I were to watch it again, but I just don't think I can. Oh well...


Antek said...

Well I was on the fence if I wanted to see that movie or not but now I'm at a loss. Although I did meet Tarantino (got his autograph, took pics with him) and I have to say that he is the coolest person you'd ever wanna meet.... way nice and totally down to earth.

Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

The thing to keep in mind about this movie is that it's 3 distinct stories with some characters that only marginally overlap. Looking for a coherent story across all 3 tales is only going to confuse you. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm just commenting based on the comics.

LSG said...

Well, I found out after writing this, that Terry liked it. LOL I'd have never thunk it.. but he did.

Maybe sometime I'll give it another go. And I'll try to make sure I don't fall asleep. :p

J C said...

i have yet to figure out what the opening scene had to do with anything - the one with josh hartnet and that chick?

who knows - but i walked out of there just dazed and confused, having thought that i'd wasted 3 hours of my life