Friday, August 19, 2005

Quick Wit

I know it's a silly topic, but it's one that comes to mind as I sit here thinking of what to write.

Quick wit is something I've always longed for. To be able to come back at the drop of a dime with something funny or smart-assed with just the right about of timing and words.

I have a couple of friends with the gift of quick wit. LuLu comes to mind. She's a really close friend of mine. I met her while playing MotoGP on Xbox live over 2 years ago, but lord is that another story.

Anyhoo, LuLu can pull a smarty crack outta thin air, and at the drop of a hat, too. You'll die laughing or drown from the coffee you've just snorted up your nose or down your windpipe. I know.. she did it to me this morning!

LuLu also has a very broad imagination. She's a master story teller, and absolutely cracks-me-the-hell up with some of the stuff she says. She's priceless.

Oooh.. to have quick wit. Thats what I want when I grow up.


Silver said...

Yep, Carrie certainly has that quick wit most of us wish we had. I've been known to crack out some Q.W. from time to time. We're all lucky to have Wuwu as our friend!

k o w said...

She's one of a kind. Funny as a hoot.