Friday, August 26, 2005

The Fat Burning Contest

Several of the people from our little gaming group are losing weight, and toning up. A couple have even posted progress pictures (Jay & Dave). And I must say, I'm jealous... and becoming a little movitated.

I'm about 5' even. Before I had children (pre-age 23) I weighed 98 lbs, and wore a size 2. I'm now 37. I have 3 kids, and I weigh about 155. My youngest is 2, and tho I was about 138 went I got pregnant with her, she really did me in. I haven't gotten below 148 since she was born. I wear a size 14 Levis and usually an XL women's t-shirt.

Tho I know I'm not massively obese, if I'm up on my feet for long periods of time, say cleaning house all day or going to the mall, my legs ache and my back hurts. I run out of breath walking to the car after shopping at Wal-Mart... I'm TOTALLY out of shape.

But where do I start? I can't afford all that protien stuff some of the guys are using, I can't buy a Bowflex or even a stationary bike because even if it were in the budget, I have NO place to put one. I don't like going to public parks alone, and certainly not with a 2 year old.

I know I can start by watching what I eat, but I've never been very good at knowing what to eat and what not to. It doesn't help that everyone had a different diet for you to try. Hi Protien, Low Carb, Fat Free.. etc etc.

Plus, with a husband and 3 kids, it's hard to resist what THEY are eating, and a real pain in the ass to make a dinner for them you can only stare at. I'm not a big veggie eater, and tho I'm not a big steak eater, and can't see living without meat completely.

So, is there a plan for me out there? Or am I just coming up with excuses.... hmmm...


Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

1.) Get a subscription to Cooking Light and follow the recipes and the suggested serving sizes. Their recipes are really good, are easy to make and help with portion control because they tell you what one serving is. They also have cookbooks that have the best recipes of the publication. I cook pretty much exclusively from their books and the magazine.

2.) Spend 10 bucks on a pedometer, slap it to your belt and try to take 10,000 steps a day. I take about 4500 a day, so I know that I have a ton of steps to take, but it helps make you mindful of how many you take. You can walk at the mall, they're always open. ;)

Smooth Jack said...

Make a bet with your brother. Well, that's what I did for motivation anyway. I've lost 30 lbs so far by watching calories. I plan to loose another 30, too.

I eat whatever I want, but keep track of the calories - trying to keep them under 1,500 a day. You'd probably want to keep them under 1,200/day since you are 14 inches shorter and 100 lbs lighter than I am.

For exercise, a jump rope is amazing, and cheap.

Really, it all boils down to commitment. The plan you use after that doesn't really matter.

Frontallobe said...

Hey LSG! First off I think it's awesome that you're thinking about rocking the fit train. 2nd my mom was in about the same shape when she was 39. She bought a book, kept her calories under 1600, bought some 5lb dumbells, and worked out 30 minutes in the morning. She was in the best shape of her life after doing that for about 6 months. It was absolutely amazing and it probably cost her 40 bucks for everything with no embarrassment of going to a gym or walking outdoors. Good luck!

LSG said...

Thanks for the tips, guys. Now.. to get serious. Gonna see if Terry wants to join me. (He's been walking every day at work during his break for a few months now. Not doing much for him as far as losing weight goes, but it's still healthy.)

Frontallobe said...

Awesome. Keep us motivated with progress reports for you and Terry!!!

CatSpit said...

LSG. Brandon's giving you some kick ass advice there. Most meals from the cooking light selection are tasty as hell, and very nutritious to boot. I don't prescribe to the 'diet' regimen at all. I prefer to counsel folk on making small, easy-to-maintain lifestyle changes that yes, will lose weight, but that you won't put back on again. You don't need to spend a ton on weights, walking or just a set of 5 lb dumbbells there are a ton of exercises that can be done via bodyweight alone. If you ARE after a eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and flexible, I can recommend no better than the weight watchers plan for either men or women. Their meal plans are structured, and based on solid nutritional principles, with none of the current 'fad' diets what only allow you to eat aardvarks or moles after dark and roses with gravy for breakfast. Let me know how I can help!

LSG said...

Thanks Phyxie!!