Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Daughter

How many of you have children? Now... How many of you have a fight on your hands at bedtime? I thought so. And so do I with my two oldest kids.


My 2-year-old is special. For one, I've rarely ever had to fight her when putting her down for a nap. Two, she tells us when she wants a nap, or when she's ready for bed. Ever hear of that before??

I decided I had to write about this when she came to me 5 minutes ago and said "Bed." I just looked at her in amazement. That was the first time she'd used a word to tell me she was tired and wanted to hit the sack. Usually she just hangs around wherever I am, maybe even laying down on the floor by me. When I ask her if she wants a nap or to go to bed, she usually says 'yes.' But this time she actually came to me and said 'bed.' And it was only 8pm! She's been known to ask (or give us the signs) at 7:30 or earlier, tho we usually won't let her go down that early, as whe wakes up in the night if we do.

She truly is a wonder. She's been the most interesting of my 3 kids, so far. LOL

Been a while.....

Man.. been a long time since I updated the blog.

I finished reading Eragon. And I loved it! My oldest son read it after me and felt the same. Now we're both reading Eldest. :)

And more on the downer side.... no Xbox 360 until next year for us. Money is tight, and first and foremost on my agenda is our children's Christmas gifts. And that's gonna be hard enough. Much less coming up with $400 for a console, another $50 to buy a game, and then another controller, minimum. It really sucks, because I'm dying to play Oblivion. I think I'm turning into a RPG whore.

Oh well, until then I have World of Warcraft to keep me busy. ;)