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So this morning I've turned on my computer and headed to the kitchen to refill my coffee cup, when the phone rings.
"Hey hun, Pam just told me that gas in Allen is already $2.99 a gallon."
"Oh my god. What is it here right now?" (I haven't bought gas in about a week)
"$2.60." (Actually $2.59)
"Shit. Guess I need to load the kiddo in the van and go get some before it starts rising up here."
Hangs up phone, snags kid, and is at Albertson's Express in less than 6 mins getting a whopping 8 gals of gas for just under $21. So I saved $3.20 if the price goes all the way up to $2.99. Terry will also be gettting some, hopefully making it to the station before the price change. He has a dental appointment at 10 am. *crosses fingers*
This is absolutely nuts. Man. I know Katrina has thrown a monkey wrench into the whole oil price thing, but damn.. it was out of control BEFORE she came along. Sheesh.
Speaking of Katrina.. My heart just sinks watching and reading the news coverage of the damage. Gilven continually comes to mind. Especially his statement that he, his wife, and child were the only ones of his family that left the MS Gulf Coast region. My contiued thoughts go out to him and his family, hoping that everyone is alive and well. Complaining about gas prices seems petty in light of the devestation the people of the coast have experienced.
Ok, so we watched Sin City last night. Weird. The way the story evolved was odd. Wait, what exactly WAS the story? I even fell asleep thru about 15 mins of it.. I'm not sure what I missed, though I don't think it matters. Something about hookers, pedophiles and blood?
The action would have been ok if Tarantino had left his gruesome little fingers out of it. Blood and guts is ok, but there's just something twisted about that man. *shiver*
Maybe I'd get more out of the movie if I were to watch it again, but I just don't think I can. Oh well...
Well, the hubby and I have made the decision to join a few of our friends and get healthier.
For us it means losing a bunch of weight. It'd be nice to tone up, tho something we'll deal with later, the main goal for us is just simply getting the weight off. I am over weight by at least 45 lbs. and Terry by about 65 lbs. I wore a size 2 when we married, but I'd be happy with a 8 now. I think Terry wore about a 32 waist jeans at the time, so I'm sure he'd be happy with a 36 or so.
We are both bigger than we've ever been, and it's gotta stop. So here we go...
Several of the people from our little gaming group are losing weight, and toning up. A couple have even posted progress pictures (Jay & Dave). And I must say, I'm jealous... and becoming a little movitated.
I'm about 5' even. Before I had children (pre-age 23) I weighed 98 lbs, and wore a size 2. I'm now 37. I have 3 kids, and I weigh about 155. My youngest is 2, and tho I was about 138 went I got pregnant with her, she really did me in. I haven't gotten below 148 since she was born. I wear a size 14 Levis and usually an XL women's t-shirt.
Tho I know I'm not massively obese, if I'm up on my feet for long periods of time, say cleaning house all day or going to the mall, my legs ache and my back hurts. I run out of breath walking to the car after shopping at Wal-Mart... I'm TOTALLY out of shape.
But where do I start? I can't afford all that protien stuff some of the guys are using, I can't buy a Bowflex or even a stationary bike because even if it were in the budget, I have NO place to put one. I don't like going to public parks alone, and certainly not with a 2 year old.
I know I can start by watching what I eat, but I've never been very good at knowing what to eat and what not to. It doesn't help that everyone had a different diet for you to try. Hi Protien, Low Carb, Fat Free.. etc etc.
Plus, with a husband and 3 kids, it's hard to resist what THEY are eating, and a real pain in the ass to make a dinner for them you can only stare at. I'm not a big veggie eater, and tho I'm not a big steak eater, and can't see living without meat completely.
So, is there a plan for me out there? Or am I just coming up with excuses.... hmmm...
If so, you need to read this petition by Patchou.
Seems that MS Anti-Spyware is wreaking havock on the computers of people using Messenger Plus, because it is seen as spyware by the program. This apparently doesn't happen with any other anti-spyware program, and MS is basically avoiding the issue.
So please read the petition, and sign it if you agree that something needs to be done to fix the problem.
Make sure you read the last paragraph. Looks like if something isn't done.. Messenger Plus is toast.
Link to petition:
I say quit using MS Anti-Spyware. I personally use Ad-Aware and love it.
Just a little note about the most awesome lip balm on the planet.
A few months ago I was with my youngest son at Books-A-Million when I noticed his lips were horribly chapped. So, at the checkout I picked up a little tin pot of Burt's Bees and asked him if he'd use it. He said yeah.. and I bought it. I personally thought it was a little expensive as far as lip balms goes.. I think I paid over $2.50 for it.. when you can get a stick of Chapstick at Wal-Mart for under a $1. At any rate, he used it for a day or so, then I never saw it again.
A week or two ago, I cleaned his room. And by clean, I mean boxes of toys and trash left the room, never to be seen again. But that's another story. In the process of doing so, I found the pot of lip balm, and promptly pocketed it. Later I put it here by my computer, where it has sat ever since.
Day before yesterday, I couldn't find my stick of generic chapstick I usually keep here by my pc, so I used the Burt's Bees stuff.
WOW! Yeowza! Does this stuff feel GOOOOD! Not only does it make my lips smooth as silk, but it tingles and FEELS great!
Ahhh.. I'm hooked. You'll never find me without Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm again!!
Teens. That word pretty much sums it up. For any of you that have a teen, you know what I mean.
Before I had one, I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. I mean, my son wasn't an angel (far from it) but he was pretty much average, I'd say. Yeah sometimes you had to tell him a couple of times to do stuff.. but usually, he did it.
But NOW we have a full-fledged TEENAGER. Uhhhhgggg! He's 14 and the hormones have kicked in FULL FORCE.
A few facts about teenagers:
1. They know EVERYthing. Parents are the most ignorant people on the planet. We were never teenagers and we never went to school or delt with peer pressure.
2. They have a hearing problem. "You didn't tell me that!" "You never said I couldn't!" "I never heard you!" These are their replies no matter HOW many times you've said the same thing to them.
3. Rules that they don't like don't seem to apply to them. And they also seem to make them up as they go along. Case in point. My teen son informs me that he gets an extra 30mins added to his school-night bed time each year. So since he had to be in bed last year by 9:30pm, this year he gets to stay up until 10pm. WTH? He tries to say I told him that. I never did. So that also makes them delusional.
4. Apparently all teens start out wanting to be lawyers. LOL They're loophole masters. They sit around just thinking about how they can get out of doing stuff. "Ok.. you said I have to, but you didn't say when." "Yeah, but you didn't say how." "You said no TV but you didn't say no DVD."
Today, I had to type up some rules. Rules that have been gone over time and time again. But STILL after many reminders, and many replies of "You never said that" or "You didn't say WHEN" enough is enough. So.. they're going into writing. Sheesh.
Heck.. having a teenager deserves it's own blog. Hmm...
Overall, thought it was pretty good. I've always liked Keanu Reeves. And Rachel Weisz hasn't disappointed me in a role yet.
We never took our eyes off the screen. Heaven vs Hell always makes a good movie. I thought it was well done.. the cinematography and special effects were great.
Oh hell, I don't know what else to say... we liked it. Watch it. The end.
I know it's a silly topic, but it's one that comes to mind as I sit here thinking of what to write.
Quick wit is something I've always longed for. To be able to come back at the drop of a dime with something funny or smart-assed with just the right about of timing and words.
I have a couple of friends with the gift of quick wit. LuLu comes to mind. She's a really close friend of mine. I met her while playing MotoGP on Xbox live over 2 years ago, but lord is that another story.
Anyhoo, LuLu can pull a smarty crack outta thin air, and at the drop of a hat, too. You'll die laughing or drown from the coffee you've just snorted up your nose or down your windpipe. I know.. she did it to me this morning!
LuLu also has a very broad imagination. She's a master story teller, and absolutely cracks-me-the-hell up with some of the stuff she says. She's priceless.
Oooh.. to have quick wit. Thats what I want when I grow up.
My name is LSG, and I'm a WoW addict.
What is WoW you say? Why, World of Warcraft OF COURSE! It's a sickness I know. But one I can't help. And I figure, since I pay $14.99 a month just to play the damn thing, I might as well be an addict.
So, what is it that I love so much about this game? Gosh.. I'm not even sure. I mean.. it's not hard. Not even all that challenging. You run around getting quests to kill monsters, run errands or find items, complete them, get experience points for doing so, gaining character lvls and abilities as you rise in rank, wash, rinse and repeat. It's just so damn fun to do! PLUS, on a PvP server (player vs player,) you can kill the other "faction's" players! That right there is a pulse pounding adrenaline rush like you wouldn't believe! You against them. Will you die and have to do the 'walk of shame' back to your body to revive, or dominate in glorius player vs player battle? Oooh.. it's so much fun.
But.. even tho I'm hooked, my husband is worse. WAaayy worse. Any worse and we'd be cancelling all accounts and making appointments with shrinks! LOL
The game is now being played just about all over the world, for a total of approx 3.5 million players. Now, that's a lot of folks!
Are you also a WoW addict? Come on.. don't be shy.. 'Fess up!
So... like an online diary you share with the world? That could be a good and bad thing. lol Short on time.. I'll write more later...