Monday, August 27, 2007

Woo HOO! School is back in session!!!

Wait, was I a little too excited about that? Well, you would be too after spending the entire summer cooped up in a house with a 16 year old, 9 year old (actually 10 in a month) and a 3 year old (4 in a week.)

We didn't make Tyler get a job this summer, because he didn't turn 16 until after the summer had started, because he didn't have his license yet.. and, well.. I think I felt a bit sorry for him at the time. Summer of his teenage youth, and all that. BUT... Having spent the summer with an INCREDIBLY bored teenager, I shall never make that mistake again. ;)

So now there will be less of "LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE!!" and more of "DO YOUR HOMEWORK!" lol But I can handle it, because there will be more PEACE and QUIET during the day. My sanity is SAVED!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh, btw

Some of you might remember a post of mine from a couple of years ago?

Link to post

Well, the drawer thing... happened again a few weeks ago.

Stretch... breathe...

Ahhh.. it feels good.

I'm not missing WoW. Really. Hardly a second thought has gone back to it, and when I do think about it, I just breathe this big sigh of ... relief.

I loved that game, I really did. But it was also eating up my life in the time spent to accomplish anything 'worthwhile' in-game. It was also the source of endless frustration and headaches since I was (most of my time in game) a guild master.

To fill the gaming void, I've gone back to playing a little bit of Oblivion. I have it on both the PC and the XB 360. It's wonderful to be able to play a game, and stop ANYtime. It's awesome. =)

I'm also having fun enjoying my new car. Zoom Zoom !!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Vista is the devil


My post for help at

And that's just one problem.

My official stance on Vista at this point. Just. Don't. Do IT!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Alrighty then..

Well, there was indeed a reinstall of my OS. Was it pretty? NO.

And damn it, what's up with Vista?? Upgrades/installs are either smooth as glass or bumpy as the freakin' Rocky Mountains. >:(

When I upgraded my 2nd pc (ripped from my possession by my evil younger children and now sitting across the room and no longer at my fingertips) it went from XP to Vista like a champ. Not one single hiccup. But both times I've tried to upgrade mine.. ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES. Even a clean install has been plagued by errors and "blah blah blah has stopped working"....


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I sense an OS reinstall coming on..............

Damn it.

Nothing.. freakin'.. works.

My iTunes is totally screwed. I've uninstalled it, uninstalled Quicktime, and all of the other assorted 'Apple' stuff on my PC, reinstalled.. blah blah blah. Followed every 'fix it' suggestion I can think of and STILL it's jacked up.

So even tho Terry's PC will whisper sweet nothings in it's ear, my PC is absolutely oblivious to it's presence. /cry

Then this morning, I can't get MSN to load.. It starts to sign on and then freezes!? WTF?? And as we speak, Trillan is frozen mid install.

I need something to kill............... Where's a night elf when you need one. >:(

Monday, August 13, 2007

Off the WoW... again

Back to the land of the living...... ahhh

This time I'm not alone. Terry canceled, too. And I mean we actually turned the billing off. (Didn't do that last time.) I have about 3 wks left before my account expires. Terry has about 2 wks, and Tyler will renew for one month, just so he can tell his friends good-bye over the next week or so. We cancelled our youngest son's infrequently played account as well...

So someone.. please point us in the direction of the nearest WoW-a-holics Anonymous meeting. ;)