Monday, August 27, 2007

Woo HOO! School is back in session!!!

Wait, was I a little too excited about that? Well, you would be too after spending the entire summer cooped up in a house with a 16 year old, 9 year old (actually 10 in a month) and a 3 year old (4 in a week.)

We didn't make Tyler get a job this summer, because he didn't turn 16 until after the summer had started, because he didn't have his license yet.. and, well.. I think I felt a bit sorry for him at the time. Summer of his teenage youth, and all that. BUT... Having spent the summer with an INCREDIBLY bored teenager, I shall never make that mistake again. ;)

So now there will be less of "LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE!!" and more of "DO YOUR HOMEWORK!" lol But I can handle it, because there will be more PEACE and QUIET during the day. My sanity is SAVED!!!

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