Friday, September 21, 2007

The BIG Haircut...

You know what that is, right? It's THE haircut. It's the one that you'll always remember as the biggest change you EVER made in hairstyle.

I have had the BIG haircut. Day before yesterday, as a matter of fact. Wednesday, Setptember 19, 2007 at 5:25pm, the first cuts were made in my BIG haircut.

I've had short haircuts before. All one length just below the ears.. a Dorthy Hamill has a kid.. Assorted layered cuts.. But NEVER, have I ever had a cut THIS short.

How short you ask? Short. Like.. REALLY short.

What's the story? Well, it goes like this:

I had shoulder length, frumpy hair. Years ago it was straight as an arrow. Thick as all billy hell, and I was pretty picky about how it looked, etc. But these last several years, it started to get frizzy, hard to manage, and frankly, I became really lazy about doing ANYthing to it. I'd shower, pull it back in a barrette while wet, let it dry (because blow drying didn't change the appearance any) and do whatever I needed to do. I looked.. awful.

So one day Terry and I are in Wal-Mart. We're cruising the automotive isle as he looks at car goodies and we bump into a lady that works where he does. Attractive lady, with this really short spikey kind of haircut. Highlights..etc. Looked really nice. I looked at Terry after she'd walked off and said, "I wonder if my hair would do that?" I doubted it, since I have incredibly thick hair, but I can always dream, right? Anyhoo, he absolutely floors me with "Well, you'll never know if you don't try it." This is the man who years ago hated these kinds of haircuts and never wanted me to have anything but long hair. And they say women are fickle. lol

So after months of hem-hawin' around about it.. looking at pictures, and searching for a decent stylist.. I finally make an appointment with the stylist that does that woman we saw in Wal-Mart's hair.

How did it turn out? Wellll... when she finally got finished with me, and I was turned into the mirror, a lump lodged in my throat the size of Texas, and I amazingly held it together long enough to pay and thank her, and assure her that it was something I would have to get used to when she asked what I thought.

My mom had come along as moral support, and as we got to her car, I could feel my face getting warm. Still no tears.. holding strong, I discussed with her what I thought.

"I look like a DYKE, MOM!" (No offense to those who are, or have lesbian friends.. but I'm not one, and don't wanna look like one.) "Now Cindy, it's cute! Give it time, it'll grow a bit. You just need to get used to it."

So I tell her bye and call Terry to prepare him and the kids for my arrival.

"Terry, it didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to."

"What do you mean?"

"I look like a dyke! She got it a bit too short for my hair type, I'm afraid. And I don't like it."

"It'll be fine." And when I got home, he said the same thing. I still don't know if he's lying to save my feelings or if he really doesn't mind the way it looks, but he's a dear sweet man either way. =)

My kids, on the other hand aren't happy with it. My younger two adjusted pretty quick tho. My oldest said, "Mom, I told you not to do it." LOL

But now, 2 days later, even tho I think it needs to be a bit longer in a few places, it's starting to grow on me. It's really nice to be able to fix my hair in 5 mins... It's an awesome feeling to know I look presentable with so little work.

Also, because I felt the cut looked so 'butch', it has prompted me to wear make-up again. Something I haven't done in YEARS. Seriously. I've had full make-up on (base, powder, blush, eye-shadow, mascara.. etc.) less than 10 times in the last 5 years. It was just too much hassle to mess with. Especially when my hair always looked so crappy.

I had lunch with my mom yesterday. I was telling her how old my makeup was, and this morning she brought me probably $30 worth of new make-up! She shouldn't have done it, but let me tell ya, I used every bit of it after she left, and it was GREAT!

Woot! I'm female again. Butch haircut and all. =P

(ps. I want to say I don't hold it against the stylist. I just don't think she anticipated my hair to act the way it did. I neglected to tell her it shrinks pretty bad when it dries. That little bit of information could have made the difference, and I forgot to mention it. lol)


Silver said... when do we get to see a PICTURE?!?!?!
And if it's the style I'm thinking, I bet it looks awesome. If it's the style I'm thinking, I can understand why some women would think it's such a butch haircut, but short hair on women can look really good too.

Headgamer said...

Um, yeah. Been out of the blogosphere too long. Way late in replying. What Dave said. Pics.

CatSpit said...

Short hair is sexy on women. For the longest time, Kim had a REAL short and spiky hairdo, to the point where it was almost punk. Hot. Before that, she had back-length long blond hair. She had a very similar reaction to you when she first chopped it, but after a little while learned to look past just 'the change' and 'where's my hair' to 'damn, I look pretty good'.